Wednesday 7 January 2015

A God not able to take a joke is not worth believing in

Tonight I am not writing the blog post that I had intended to. My plan was to write about the importance of education for girls and women, as the most cost effective way to create development that counters poverty, disease, inequality, population growth and climate change. 

Instead I am writing about the brutal attack in Paris on the satirical journal Charlie Hebdo. Journalist and illustrators, staff and police officers were gunned down by men whose identity we do not yet know. But there is evidence pointing to that militants with a perverted view of Islam are responsible for the these atrocities. Presumably they claim to have “defended” their religion from the mighty pen. But their religiosity is not something that comes from within, it’s a cover up. 

Extremists get convinced of violence first and then seek ideological justification. Politics comes first and then religious excuses. Iyad El-Baghdadi

And what cowards they are, these men that are so weak in their faith that they don’t trust their God to be able to handle a joke. It does not matter what name they give this deity, God, Allah or Jehovah; anyone that feels the need to defend an “almighty” God against cartoons has seriously overrated himself and degraded the higher spirit he claims to believe in. To cite comedian Özz Nöjen: “If your God, religion or ideology can not take a joke, neither your God, religion or ideology is worth taking seriously”. 

So we need to continue to joke, laugh in the face of these humourless men that probably live after the maxim “Everything I want to do but do not dare should be prohibited”. Enjoy life, of course respecting peoples choices but not letting them dictate over others.

And maybe my originally planned theme for this blog post is relevant also here. Because it seems as if for these men of weak faith, whatever religion they claim to be theirs, the worst of all nightmares is well educated, independent and strong women. 

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